Hard Fact 1: You Will Work Hard
The majority of persons who begin a workout routine expect far too much of themselves and the forms of their accomplishments. You will most definitely not become ripped within a few quick weeks, the first 2-3 weeks will be the hardest and no one and nothing will change this. If you only aspire to the type of body you dream of I'd say your moral will be short lived.
My advice is to set many goal points along the way to your final goal, Inch by inch is synch, Yard by Yard is hard. I find 2 week goal intervals are great to work with, whether the goal be to lose 2-4kgs of unwanted weight or to gain 1-3kgs in muscle grinding the gym hard for two weeks and achieving satisfaction is a lot easier than attempting an 8-16 week transformation head on.
Hard Fact 2: Do Your Research
Of course since your reading this yes you are doing your research, however this blog is about showing you what is needed to be known and it is up to you to expand on the knowledge. Knowing as much as possible about working out and fitness and everything along with it will be the greatest of assets.
My advice is to take this fact seriously, you can hire trainers but you at some point must learn the ins and outs of body fitness and working out. The internet is a powerful tool for knowledge, it is the source to most of my own fitness know how when I was a teen.
Hard Fact 3: Patience is key
As stated before you will work hard, and it will take time. "Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish" John Quincy Adams. If you cannot be patient with your body you will only fail.
My advice is if you believe that no matter how hard you try you just don't have the patience for your body physique, than your body will reflect that. So give patience a shot, it just might surprise you.
Hard Fact 4: The Complication of Calories
When building a lot of muscle your body burns through calories much more than your average person. It's typically assumed that all calories are equal and eating one food will be the same as eating another of equal calories. This is very wrong, when bulking stick to bulking diets and keep the junk food which causes fat gain far away or eat only occasionally.
Hard Fact 5: You cannot live on supplements
Supplements are what they say they are... SUPPLEMENTS, not replacements. A diet is your ultimate weapon again fat and your shining ride to macho city. Stick to a healthy diet and only supplement it with supplements and you will feel great.
Hard Fact 6: Don't be specific
Most exorcises can be looked at as either single jointed exorcises or multi-joint exorcises. Far too many people are lazy and stick to single joint exorcises working between 1-3 muscles and only 1 muscle group at a time. Multi-joint exorcises are regarded as hard and difficult and quite often avoided by some, these however engage multiple muscle groups at one time. This is effectively burning more calories, and building more muscles all during a single exorcise! Saves time and increases your strength much faster and efficiently.
My advice is to engage in exorcises such as squats and dead lifts as these work so many muscles and can save so much time.
Hard Fact 7: Change it up
A good routine will eventually need to be put back into storage and a new one must be found. A common speed bump for gym junkies is the plateau, this is the point in time when they no longer improve at a satisfactory rate. You must change up a routine every once and a while to keep your muscles fighting.
Easy Muscle Building Tips by Phil.

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